Monday, January 18, 2010

What it means  to be free

I have been born out of shell,
I wandered around as the next twig,
There were no visible boundaries,
Yet I was confined,
Days grew like the mulberry bush,
I was comfortable around,
New look and length, I was
Happier than ever I knew,
Then came the time to get lazy
I built my house cozy comfortable,
Slumber sweet slumber embraced me,
I started the dream of flight.
For I didn't know what tomorrow
Holds for me, dressed in all colors
I woke up, I  feel the change
But am Not sure ,if I like or not
I feel the pain in every stretch, I try
Oh lord in pain I beg to return to
My home, warmness in it calls me.
I have my strings attached, i  would
Give away this new look to bonds
I start a new life now on the sky
I dreamed of ,since my birth
This is my dream to live. I'm breaking
These bonds of past.
One wing forward to set me free,
From the memories of past, yet not from
The values of life I learned from my shell.

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