Saturday, December 04, 2010


 Kiss charmer kiss me
So that I can be torn from the inside out
Kiss me dreamer kiss me
That my soul gets sucked
Kiss me knight kiss me
Let the words not speak again
Kiss me daredevil kiss me
So I never see of the thrill
Kiss me love kiss me
So I can never forget you ever again

-Butterfly Dreamer
Dedicated to the knight

Friday, November 26, 2010

Under the scarlet sky

staying  on the border ,
wanting to cross over,
sttill am not  your friend,
can i be your lover?
dancing to the moonlit sky,
under the scarlet sky,
intriguing your brown eyes,
begging more to taste,
the kiss of my love,
beneath the sheets
warm and giggling like a child
let me be yours

Friday, November 19, 2010

on the narrow road, 
when the autumn was turning 
into winter, i walk alone
as a lonely heart, with
no hopes of reaching home,
for the summer was clear
and the short road has ended
among nowhere to proceed
then you come along,
lighting the warmth in my heart
giving hope, oh young traveler,
pass along this pass with me
i know the differences
in the dreams we are torn apart,
i seek not to seduce
but love to embrace
my soul, to rest and move along
as the seasons of life
as the spring is yet to arrive

dedicated to my young traveler who hates me 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The maid and the Knight - Unacquainted love 3

There he is, there he is
my knight in the shining armor
who never fails in the ballroom wars
defeating every maiden, he eyes on
i wait as a chamber maid
can't u see my thirst, my young knight

Here i'm, here I'm
on the chambers, dreaming the night
that i would be under his strong arms
sweeping my head over heals
I make the bed with the love
can't you feel my love, young knight

somewhere in the dreams, somewhere in the dreams,
we make love, as i struggle my dream to be 
fulfilled, with his eyes locked in mine
we embrace as the snakes, 
with a single kiss , he seals my heart 
why would i wake up from this

o young knight o young knight
our fates are intertwined to be met 
how can i avoid the love that sparkles
you may never notice the poor chamber maid
for i will love and live to make your bed
for the fair Maidens across...........

- Butterfly Dreamer

Monday, January 18, 2010

What it means  to be free

I have been born out of shell,
I wandered around as the next twig,
There were no visible boundaries,
Yet I was confined,
Days grew like the mulberry bush,
I was comfortable around,
New look and length, I was
Happier than ever I knew,
Then came the time to get lazy
I built my house cozy comfortable,
Slumber sweet slumber embraced me,
I started the dream of flight.
For I didn't know what tomorrow
Holds for me, dressed in all colors
I woke up, I  feel the change
But am Not sure ,if I like or not
I feel the pain in every stretch, I try
Oh lord in pain I beg to return to
My home, warmness in it calls me.
I have my strings attached, i  would
Give away this new look to bonds
I start a new life now on the sky
I dreamed of ,since my birth
This is my dream to live. I'm breaking
These bonds of past.
One wing forward to set me free,
From the memories of past, yet not from
The values of life I learned from my shell.