Saturday, September 09, 2006

Unacquainted Love – Dreamer's Chant

Kissing, caressing and hugging
Don’t quench my soul,
Lamenting shameless beast
Erode for the fulfillment of
Love, with the warmth of consent,
No regrets I have, puff my heart
With the ecstasy of love,
Crescent my sorrows
With the flame of your affection,
Tempt to the sin, but explode
The hidden emotions like
You bombard my wombs,
With your seeds,
Though you trade the moon,
I am out of love, teach me the
Language of love, I beg,
Manifests stand not a night,
Waking up every morning
With the quest of unacquainted
Love will espy its presence
- Butterfly Dreamer
all is fair in love and war include poetry too this one is of that kind

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