Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Forbidden Fruit
Under the shades of tree
Sighting the best of fruit
So lustrous, colored in the
Liquid that sustains life,
Calls to taste, I feel out
The lust in our eyes,
That wants the taste,
Intoxicated with the
Courage of youth,
Temptation fails not to
Play the ancient game
Yet we stand out
With the rationale,
My silent love, the
I allure the day
And your presence
The taste to conceal
Within our souls
To eternity .
Peace- where art thou
Darkness abounding me swallow
my soul, my dreams are dried
out, the blood in my veins
have ebbed way without love,
nothing but hollowness embraces,
tears rolling down, unstoppable
fate mocks me, time passes away
like the trickling drops of the
spring pond, to live and fade
as a ghost ,my heart struggles
against thee. To stand out
unique am I paying my soul
to the devil, none but my master
knows. Still my search among
the masses continue for the window
of life. With a saber, to make
my wilder smooth, I struggle.
hug me the never ending sleep,
that in you let me feel,
the peace I long for.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Wild Love - too much of love will kill u

Flames of love burns the
Gracious heart, scared not
By the thought, lust prevails
Among the mind, the blood
With the venom of vengeance
Caused by betrayal is detoxified
By the thought of the purest
State of mind.
Forsaken by the rejection of
The reality, the truth of the
Condition slams back, the door
At the love closes, yet the
Longing prevails.
Sighs and gaps, envy and
Sadness stops not the poor
Little plant of hatred to rise,
And affect the morality
Struggles against the past
Memories of love and
Unfaithful haunts. The
Evil triumphs
Silent rebellion occurs,
Not to flesh, but pleasure
Sores, still the heartaches
I seek temporary console
Under illusion of the
So real and natural,
Among the blazing cherries,
Under the pinkest blossom,
You did pay your price,
I did see you rest,
In my arms, dear samurai,
Painting my kimono with
Red streaks of blood,
And seeking my mercy,
My Life as faithful, ends now
With hara-kiri, the world
Praises my loyalty,
Let’s meet in the
Otherworld my lustful

hara-kiri - suicide
ANATAWA DAI SUKI DESU - I love you [in Japanese]
Dried Leaves

The autumn is around,
There a leaf turns yellow, they enter in to their
Second child wood, the woman, who nursed
Me and cared me and the man who
Clothed for me and protected me
From the womb to the present day,
The world labels them as my parents,
I call them my creators, by the will
Of thy, with the small grey around
Wrinkles on the little finger
Who guided me to walk?
My vision though detains from
Details, my heart breaks with
It, though my wooden bowl will come
The certain day, the inner me refuses
to see my roots to wither away,
I am bloomed and will dry to
Dust the same way with my
Fruits to mourn me as I mourn
For my loved ones greater than
Thy, the master of the soul.
Thy, my lord why is there autumn,
Rustling of the dried leafs
Chills my core, with the days to
Come I will hate the autumn.
- Butterfly Dreamer
this is dedicated to a old women whom i met in a journey back home
Unacquainted Love – Dreamer's Chant

Kissing, caressing and hugging
Don’t quench my soul,
Lamenting shameless beast
Erode for the fulfillment of
Love, with the warmth of consent,
No regrets I have, puff my heart
With the ecstasy of love,
Crescent my sorrows
With the flame of your affection,
Tempt to the sin, but explode
The hidden emotions like
You bombard my wombs,
With your seeds,
Though you trade the moon,
I am out of love, teach me the
Language of love, I beg,
Manifests stand not a night,
Waking up every morning
With the quest of unacquainted
Love will espy its presence
- Butterfly Dreamer
all is fair in love and war include poetry too this one is of that kind