Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Untouchable - Dreamer's Nightmare 

Glimpse of the past, vanishes the
Masquerade of the presence, as a
Marionette of fate, to dance, too
Play and to laugh, the concurrence
Of the present, unveil the fear,
Darkness, sorrow, dreadfulness
Left behind, unloved, what is more
Pragmatic than to follow the malady
Of life, trying to increnate, reincarnates
The shadows of hell, unanswered
Questions, unraveling thoughts
Deserted, desperate and lurched
Sunny to scorched, the disloyal
And mistrust, the inconsolable heart
Weeps, illusions, mirages, falseness
And bogus cleared to reveal, with
The single moment, where the
Hooded snakes bite the reality
Unprecedented the ways goes
Neither the oracle can predict that
Future beholds, all the effort to
Revitalize goes like the grain of sand
In the desert wind, for my sky remains
With endless blacksuns and my garden
Blooming bleeding white roses.
I am the “UNTOUCHABLE” with broken
Bonds and dying relationships. In the
Broken shell I live, I roam inconspicuous
Invisible, to land nowhere and to seek
“REFUGEE” anywhere

- Butterfly Dreamer
©2005-2015 All right are Reserved to ButterflyDreamer aka Aneta

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