Sunday, November 12, 2006

is there a reason to love
is there a way to say that
i love express
will he hate me after that

does she really like me,or is it with
all the other guy too.
will she understand my desires
can i win her body

the dreams that we can have together
are alluring and attractive.
is this we call as soul mates
am i really under this starry sky

the perfection of her body calls
the lips are inviting.
I'm floating up high my sensations
say that this is more hallucinating than alcohol

what do i find in him, my love
my desires, my wild side,is he the
the other part of me.the answer
is in him.I'm exploring.

the depth of of her love makes me
happy more than her body that feeds
my youth.this is her dream
that i wish to live for her
-Butterfly Dreamer

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