Monday, October 30, 2006

Why were you stolen away my little flower
My love. I’m barren again. The emptiness
Occupies our lives, the silence that knives
Through the heart and the bleeding heart
Stops not to think of you, the laughter that
Echoed the walls are now just memories
The dining room without the art that
You make is like the cemetery. Make
Them vivid with your spillage of milk
Spread the food all around, we are never
Tired of cleaning.Your stubbornness
Is what we seek. Make our days sunnier
By the innocent smile of yours, I wait to
Nurse you, to see your falling steps ,
He waits to comfort you, to protect
You and fulfill your wishes.
The chateau is empty without
your foot steps like the haunted mansion.
Where did thy lord’s mercy go,
Stealing my womb’s treasure
I shall never forgive you my lord .
Sleep my ballerina in peace.
My love’s gift Sleep well my darling
under the shadows
Of the cherry blossoms.


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