Sunday, December 31, 2006

The burning soul
The roots of my desire are barefaced
The bruise of the past are forgotten
I'm ready to be hurt again
hit me hit me, harder this time
i wish to live with you,as the
flesh and the blood,your love
feeds my life source

The traces of your footsteps are sharper
The pains in my heart is numb now
i have nothing to lose
win me win me, my senses seek you
life without you is useless
is there a body without soul alive
so can i live without you

The ebbing emotions are dried out
all that counts is you and the
rest of my world revolves around you
stop me stop me,from the self destruction
all i ask is your love
nothing more or nothing less
just love me for what i am

i burn my soul for your love
love me love me love me

-Butterfly Dreamer